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Calendar Event Location Parsing

We do some special parsing of the location field from a calendar event.


Repository: acm-uic/

When the event location starts with "Discord Voice:" or "Discord Stage:" followed with the voice or stage channel name (example: "Discord Voice: SIG SysAdmin"), the location will be converted to a link (invite link) to the server with the text of the voice channel.


event with discord voice location displayed on the website calendar event details with discord voice location

Discord Events Sync

Repository: acm-uic/calsync

The project syncs events from Google calendar to Discord.

It uses the same location prefixing logic as the website. Event locations beginning with "Discord Voice:" or "Discord Stage:" will be created and link to the appropriate voice channel when syncing.

Events that do not match will include the location as text and Discord event's type will be set to "Somewhere else".