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Welcome Back!

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Christian Bingman
President 2021-2022 @ ACM@UIC

It is a fresh new year, with many fresh faces which we will see in person! I hope everyone is doing well and continues to do so. A couple of updates to get the semester started!

Our website has been updated! (Though it is still a work in progress...) It will contain event details and information about our organization. PLEASE DOWNLOAD/FOLLOW THIS CALENDAR.

Event reminders and details will also be posted on Discord!

There will be no membership fees this year (yay), but there will be a couple fundraising events throughout the semester.

The office will be opened every morning on the weekdays as per usual. If there is something you need from the office please contact an officer.

Membership sign up forms will be available at our GBM

Our GBM is currently set for September 10th, so mark your calendars!

If anyone is interested in leading SIG WebDev this semester please reach out to an officer!